After a long absence and thinking over and over what with what possible subjects to come up on my blog, I decided to take a vacation. I had the chance to go to Mexico City and my hometown, Aguascalientes, for a week. I had such an amazing time visiting family down there. I was so welcomed by all my relatives. They were so excited to see me and my parents. I was sometimes overwhelmed by their excitement… and the food I ate! I probably gained about 10 lbs with all the gorditas, pozole, quesadillas, tacos, and the like! But I don’t care; I had such an incredible time. However, this trip was not just about eating and gaining weight. It was about remembering my life before I came to the United States.
My first night in Aguascalientes, I stayed at my grandma’s house. One of my aunts is still living there. Entering the house immediately transported me to the times I used to go to my grandma’s after school, and as soon as I approached the door, I could smell the noodle soup grandma was boiling on her stove. I was a little bit sad when I entered the house and didn’t hear my grandma running out from her kitchen- her sanctuary, to welcome me with a great hug and kisses all over my cheeks. That was the point where I realized time has changed everything. Even though it still is the same house, the same furniture, the same pictures hung on the wall, it is not, and will never be, the same house I used to visit after school without my grandma. No matter how many times I come back and visit her house; she will not be there to welcome me.
When I went to visit my house, I walked into what used to be my room. I saw the corner where my desk was… it was empty. I remembered then that I used to be there till midnight studying for a biology test or burning my brain solving math problems. I also saw the empty spot where my bed used to be and pictured me waking up at six o’clock every morning and grabbing my school uniform hung on the wall. When I opened the window to have some air freshen the room, I remembered how I used to watch my little brothers play baseball during summer. I went to the backyard and saw the unattended lawn with weeds and bushes everywhere. Nonetheless, my mind pictured me playing on the green grass and climbing the peach tree pretending I was in an air plane on my way to Disneyland.
So many memories are still there in my house, my town, my relatives. Unfortunately, that is it; only memories are left there. I cannot go back in time and live those wonderful moments again. Everything has changed! I admit I came to the point where I thought that trip hadn’t been the best after all. However, while I was in the plane on my way back to San Diego, I realized that those moments I lived wrote the first chapter of my life. They were good while I was living them, and if I want to remember them again, I only have to go back to my town and walk through the places that witnessed me living those moments.
Now, I am living the second chapter of my life which is here in San Diego. Who knows, maybe ten years from now I would be somewhere else remembering the amazing times from chapter two.